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Maximizing Safety and Performance

Dec has been developing an extensive range of technologies over the last three decades. These include solutions for handling and transforming powders, which are convenient to many types of industries.


From accurately transferring and dosing powders from mg to tons, milling materials from microns to mm or mastering high mixing requirements, Dec provides trendsetting solutions for contained, sterile and safe manufacturing conditions.

Powder handling

Transferring - Sampling - Bulk Materials Handling - Dosing/Dispensing -  Containment Systems - Integrated Applications

MC DecJet 100, particle size reduction

Micronization - Milling - Sieving




Sterile Pack off isolator, high containment solution

Isolator technology - Contained handling solutions



Aseptic pharmaceutical filling lines

Microdosing devices - Filling Lines - Ready-to-use - Secondary Packaging - Serialization


Smart manufacturing with innovative flow chemistry

Continuous Reaction, Crystallization, Filtration and Drying

Aseptic manufacturing process

Aseptic manufacturing and handling solutions


Dec group engineering, support

Engineered Solutions - Process System Development - Qualification/Validation - Automation - TPS Technology & Process Support


Maintenance & After-Sales Services - Technical Support - Training and Education

SMEPAC Test Cabin, Dec group testing facilities

Continuous process improvement and validation

SMEPAC - Locations



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