Big Bag Filling
Modular design, easy handling
operator and product safety
Dec provides complete technical solutions for the filling of big bags directly out of process equipment like a dryer or a mixer for example. The filling system can include sieving, milling and accurate dispensing.
The station will be adapted to the powder characteristics, the containment level, the layout and the required accuracy. It can also be equipped with various docking systems up to OEB 5 depending on the level of containment to be achieved.
Filling can be done either by using gravity when sufficient height is available or in a remote place when head room below the equipment is lacking or when several process equipment are to be emptied through one single filling station.

Transfer from dryer into big bags

High containment DCS docking system

In this case, the powder will be transferred by using PTS Powder Transfer System® and accurately dosed by combining it with the DosiValve® system.
Holding frame including big bag loop holder with fast release
Easy installation of pallets using standard pallet jack
Dosing by gravity or by using PTS with Dosivalve
Frame in painted steel or stainless steel
Installation suitable for ATEX zone 1/21
Mill or sieve integration
Metal detector or separator
Weighing system
Venting filter with inflate and deflate functions
CIP system
Roller conveyor with vibration, if required
Combi-station for big bag / drum filling